Elections can influence someone's political beliefs through candidates speaking about their opinions and beliefs also what actions they are going to take on office. Candidates will start camping through the media which will be seen by many people. Them doing this can help them get their beliefs out to a larger audience. Voting connects individuals to the government by using their voice to get a candidate or certain policy in the office. This allows American people to chose ow they want their government to runed. The 2 candidates I will be exploring is Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warran. These candidates are from different political parties with different views.
Donald Trump is a big advocate for limiting illegal immigration, limiting social services such as abortion, and limiting experiences on climate change. He has promised in his campaign that he will have stricter border security which includes building a wall along the Mexican border. He is currently working on the wall while currently in office. He also wants to limit the about of abortions because he is pro-life. This can happen by stoping to fund planned parenthood. He also has withdrawn America from the Pairs agreement because he does not believe climate change is an immediate issue. Also because he believes that it would be too expensive and can cause many people to lose jobs.

Elizabeth Warren believes in health care for all, access to abortion, and decriminalization of illegal immigration. Elizabeth Warren already has a plan that will allow health care for all Americans. She also advocates for easy access to abortion because she believes its a women’s right. She also wants to decriminalize illegal immigration so there will be fewer detention centers and more spending on aid. She also disagrees with the wall that will be separating the Mexican border from the U.S.

Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warran have different views when it comes to illegal immigration. Donald Trump is strict when it comes to illegal immigration and border security while Elizabeth Warren fights for fewer consequences for illegal immigrants. Donald Trump states in the White House article, “First, it stops illegal immigration and fully secures the border. And, second, it establishes a new legal immigration system that protects American wages, promotes American values, and attracts the best and brightest from all around the world.” Donald Trump believes a stronger border is better for the American people. A Time Article states, “Warren would also eliminate expedited removal — a system in which low-level immigration officials can automatically deport migrants who arrive at the border without documentation, or who are encountered within 100 miles.” Warren does not want any repercussions on illegal immigrants. Donald Trump wants strong border security to protect the American people. His view is different from warran because the American people are his main focus. He wants to protect their jobs, wages, and safety. While Elizabeth Warren’s focus is that illegal immigrants are treated fairly. She does not want strong border security because she wants to allow illegal immigrants in the United States with few repercussions. Their difference in point of view is important when it comes time for voting. Both candidates have plans on how they want to go through with their ideas which they will express on their campaign. It’s up to the American people to chose a side and vote.